Time to re-organize the blog – Your opinion matters

Good morning everyone, hope you are having a wonderful Monday.

I have decided to rename the blog title and tag line. Like most of us, I am also scared and fussy while going ahead with this change. So I decided to announce as well as take an opinion from you all before going ahead with the changes.

It was high time for renaming the blog title and tag to relate the stuff and be more precise towards the blog . Though a little late, I finally came up with the title and tag line:

Site Title: Subhash Chatterji’s agile world

Tag Line: Connecting photo with thoughts

The URL remains the same as is as I cannot see any significant gain, given the overhead involved, further I tried to co-relate it with the title.

It would be in fact an honor for me if you can share your thoughts and opinions around it and also respond to the opinion poll below:

So why this change?

I began my blogging journey back in August 2014 and I had my own plans behind starting my blog. Very soon, indeed almost in a week I realized that it won’t be a good idea to continue on that aspect as it would lead to redundancy until I was too much creative(which am not 😦 ). The web already had a lot of similar stuff actually.Thereafter I moved on to writing short posts and also responded to the daily prompts and gradually in the process learned various aspects of blogosphere.

Currently I am mostly posting photographs with short write ups and try to connect my thoughts with them, which I do seem to enjoy.

Through this post I would also like to thank my fellow bloggers, followers, visitors and all those who have constantly kept me motivated to keep me coming back to this place and keep this blog up and running. The blog I feel is incomplete until and unless you have others engaged with you and I am privileged to have many of you. A big thanks to everyone for your visits, likes and comments.

I hope you all like this change and accept it 🙂

Special Thanks

A special word of mention goes for Cee Neuner with whom I got connected thorugh blogging and who drew my attention towards photography too. Thanks a lot Cee for your continuous motivation and help and wish you keep growing in personal, professional and blogging world.

Happy posting!!


Subhash Chatterji

3 thoughts on “Time to re-organize the blog – Your opinion matters

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