Experiment with light

Just a random thought and tried to play with the light and dark shade

In Deep Thought

Translating the quote in the picture:

शब-ए-फ़ुरकत का जागा हूँ फ़रिश्तो अब तो सोने दो
कभी फ़ुरसत में कर लेना हिसाब आहिस्ता आहिस्ता
– अमीर मीनाई

Poet is seperated from his lover and is waiting for his death.

शब-ए-फ़ुरकत का जागा हूँ फ़रिश्तो अब तो सोने दो

I am awake since the night of separation, angels(of Death) let me sleep now

कभी फ़ुरसत में कर लेना हिसाब आहिस्ता आहिस्ता

We will discuss our account of life when at leisure and at our own pace, gradually and slowly.

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