This bunch can be found hanging at the entrance of almost any size or value of establishment – from small to large sized business venture, be it a shopping mall or a juice vendor or an auto rickshaw or a Volvo or Audi to the entrance of home. People hang lemon and chilli to avoid any mishappening, evil eye or omen. It protects ones from these and at the same time brings fortune and prosperity. So these are reused for a purpose altogether different from what it is meant for.


Legend has various reasons behind hanging these:

  1. The cotton thread is pierced through the lemon and chillies. So scientifically the thread would absorb them and vaporise it which is considered good for inhaling.
  2. Tradition has it that it was used to tie on bullock carts when people used to travel. In case of a poisonous bite (like from a snake) it was used to detect whether the bite was poisonous by putting a pinch of both as the tongue wont be able to differentiate between the sour and chilly taste, however this is still very widespread and albeit for not this reason of course and hope no one has to use it for this reason.
  3. There is a lot of magic and charm associated with lemon and chillies across India.
  4. To keep away Goddess Alakshmi as she is sign of poverty and misery(she is the sister of Goddess Lakshmi – synonymous with wealth and prosperity), it is believed that Goddess Alakshmi likes the sour and chilli flavor and since it is hung at the outside she would satisfy herself and return from the gate.

There are many vendors who start early morning with a bucket full of these lemon and chilli strings, they have tie up with shops and vendors whom they supply it on a daily basis.You will also find them selling on the street to the drivers of various commercial transports.

Whatever be the reason hope it satisfies the purpose of protecting people and prospering their business, after all there is faith and belief that is all behind it which is driving these tradition.

Would love to hear what faith or belief is very prevalant around you, love you all and stay blessed. Hari Om 🙂


  1. I’m sure I’d enjoy the scent of lemon, but uncertain about the chillis. Still, this is an interesting piece of culture, thank you for sharing 🙂

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