Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge: Beloved

Here is my entry for WordPress Daily Post Weekly Challenge with the topic of Beloved

Love of a father and his child
In Pairs 
Everyone is busy in his own work – the dog was busy catching crabs and fish
Enter a caption


Twining Two. Mom and Girl



Have a good day and stay blessed 🙂


May the Lord give us enough strength and provide the soil to help us grow and grow by well means and towards a better cause.


In response to the weekly photo challenge growth

Have a good day and stay blessed 🙂


Its been a life full of photographs – photographs of travels, places, monuments, flowers, sunset and surprise.

Here’s sharing some of my favourite pictures so that you can have a look in case you missed it earlier.

Nothing comes above motherhood and hunger
Dew drops


Trees, Leaves and Lots of greens


WAH TAJ! Taj Mahal Agra



Festivity – India a country of festivals and colors


Spotted Deer


A Leap – required by all at some stage




Subhash Chatterji's World - Connecting Photo with Thoughts...
Beach – Goa


If you want to check out what others have shared – check out the 2017 Favorites.

I am sure you all had a wonderful 2017 and Wishing you all that the year 2018 be filled with love, happiness and health and loads of blessings and joy.



Every time I participate in the WPC I say to myself that I will not use the same theme or concept as in the challenge, but the mind is so designed that it gets aligned to what it saw and thinks in the same way. Psychological effects and study of the human brain.

Coming back to the post, here is my entry for the challenge:








Have a lovely day and stay blessed 🙂


Structure – sometimes ignored and at times overrated, but they always add an amazing element of beauty around us.

Here are some of the pictures for the WPC theme structure.

Leaf Structure – How granular it gets
Dry Leaf – Collected by many and found after in middle of their books and novels
Structure created by the branches and trunk


How can the structures of flowers be ignored.

Spider Web – you always find a new and fasicnating and beatuful design. Appreciate the way these creatures design it so perfectly.

Finally a structure created by humans, the top of a dome from an ancient Mughal era building.

IMG_8044I hope you will like the pictures, share your version too and it would be good to explore.


Have a good day and stay blessed. Love you all 🙂

If you love to participate in challenges then head to the WPC page for more themes and challenges.


Satisfaction for me is somewhat related to passion, the more passionate you are for a particular work, hobby, game, activity the more energy & enthusiasm you put in it and completing it gives you a bigger sense of satisfaction and rewarding experience, esp. to your internal self – more than any material gain. If your passion is your work so you can reap even material gains and you do it with your 200%.

I love telling small tales – So once a person was asked – What do you do for a living?

The answer was, I spend time with my family, love to do photograph, cook and eat food. Out of curiosity the person asked again – I mean, what do you do to earn money.

Oh ok, I work as a consultant but that’s not what I would call living. At the end everyone does not end up doing the work which is also their passion and that’s fair enough. You can do that as a past time activity.

As for me the most satisfying feeling in the world is the quenching my thirst with chilled water, the blessed feeling I have after it. It goes up-to my soul. Then there is my passion for photography which makes me happy. Spending time with family and watching your kids grow up is another feeling, who needs anything else in the world 🙂

Feeling of Satisfaction is very important in life and nothing should stop you from completing your work with quality and precision until you are satisfied – that’s the connect with passion and sense of satisfaction.

Here are some of the pictures which co-relate to the passion and the satisfaction behind it

Satisfaction you get after your favorite dish – Matar Paneer in this case
Paneer Tikka
I bet you cannot resist the street food….
One of the vendors – love the way they decorate it up


Bhel Puri or May be Aalo Chat
Cycling with your kid makes me feel satisfied
The satisfaction an artist has when he decks up his canvas with colors
Satisfaction of capturing the perfect shot

For me photography is something that brings great satisfaction besides drinking water 🙂

Ready with his weapon to shoot
Just taken..

I hope you will like the pictures, share your version too and it would be good to explore.

Have a good day and stay blessed.

If you love to participate in challenges then head to the WPC page for more themes and challenges.


Life is a collage – collage of memories – good and bad, happy and sad much like the pictures we capture. Then only the purpose of life is understood, it just needs to have the perfect balance in color and contrast.

Here are some pics from the weekly theme Collage

Chose the color which suits you
Collection of crockery

My daughter would always create a card with a message written all by herself on the occasion of Mother’s and Father’s day. On one of the Children’s Day she made me feel that we should also create a card for her as it attached more value and sentiments than the gifts. As I know my art skills very well, so I have been creating collage for her on every Children’s day, here is one of them:

Children’s Day Collage

Have a good day and be at your best 🙂